Mysteries of the Deep: UFO Hunters Say This Photo Reveals an Alien Base on the Ocean Floor

Astonishing Google Maps find hailed as evidence of an extraterrestrial encampment

Alien hunters have found a bizarre pyramid structure deep in the ocean which they believe is an alien base.

The extraterrestrial investigators pored over Google Maps to locate a strange "perfect pyramid" at the bottom of deep waters off the coast of Mexico.

Scott Waring said this pic from Google Maps shows a massive pyramid

This led them to suggest it was either an 11 mile wide "parked UFO", or merely an alien encampment at the bottom of the sea

Scott Waring, who runs the blog UFO Sightings Daily, wrote: "Even if this is not a UFO that landed in the ocean that was being used as an alien base, it still is a monumental discovery.

In case you missed it, here's Waring's own illustration of the pyramid

"A 8.5 mile pyramid, the biggest the world has ever known, and it's right off of Mexico, near the ancient Mayan and Aztec pyramids.

"Humans could never have built such a construction. Only aliens could accomplish making such a massive structure."

Alien enthusiasts believe the Mayan pyramids were actually constructed by extraterrestrials

The bizarre underwater mystery pyramid was first spotted by an Argentinian ET hunter called Marcelo Irazusta, who has previously claimed the Moon is home to a number of bases and suggested aliens once carved the "face of Satan" into the surface of Mars.

Scott Waring is one of the world's most passionate UFO believers. He has spent years trying to convince the world that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth and even wrote to Ban Ki Moon, UN secretary general, to share details of his bizarre "discoveries".

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