Stargates kept secret from Humanity! The mystery of the Solar Temple of Abu Gurab and its “Star Gate” comes to light...! (Vidoes)

For many years the sun temples of Abu Gurab have been considered ancient star gates. According to different anecdotes and stories, they are interdimensional portals that allow certain people to contact extraterrestrial beings and different divinities.

Different ancestral traditions of the first Egyptians and endless research that have been carried out in these temples of the Sun of Abu Gurab, have described a “Stargate” function, which are created through different adjacent harmonic resonances in these temples. These stargates have allowed contact with very ancient deities or what they claim to be ancient aliens.

Where are these temples located?

These temples are located about 15 kilometers from the famous pyramids of Giza, and are integrated into part of the Abusir pyramid complex. These temples were built with different robust materials such as red granite, alabaster and the famous limestone.

It is important to highlight that in this town two large ruins that are very famous have been discovered, that of Niuserra and that of Userkaf. The first was found and excavated by the Egyptologists Ludwig Borchardt and Heinrich Schäfer, between 1898 and 1901.

Unlike the Niuserra ruins, Userkaf was excavated in the 1960s, although Niuserra is the best preserved. According to archaeologists, these ruins show a configuration very similar to that of other solar temples in Egypt.

How are these ruins made up?

They have a gigantic central obelisk and an altar to perform different rituals, with two buildings surrounded by a wall. This temple is very arcane and can be said to be relatively quiet, with several buildings with precise designs.

Extraterrestrial beings called Neters

According to archaeologists, at the time the pharaohs were the ones who created these temples in 2400 BC, this in order to carry out funerary ceremonies dedicated to the Sun God, but there are other indigenous Egyptian traditions that say that they have only restored this, since this It comes from Kemet, which was the first ancient name of Egypt.

They say that the original idea is to raise the levels of spiritual consciousness to be able to come into contact with the Neters, which would be extraterrestrial beings or entities of sacred energies of the Universe.

So do you think these temples were once used to communicate with aliens?


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