Ancient Mayan Maps Found Prove That The Connection Between Humans And Aliens Existed A Long Time Ago...! (Videos)

Researcher and archaeologist Jorge Morrientes summed up the results of three years of excavations 200 kilometers from the capital of Mexico. During the work, his team managed to find about 2,100 artifacts dating back to the 5th millennium BC. Most of them were stone and ceramic products. Jorge concluded that for several centuries, and perhaps more, there was a Mayan settlement at this site.

Most likely, it was a primitive tribe of gatherers and hunters numbering 200-250 people. But at some point, it began to expand rapidly. The most surprising thing in this process is the presence of advanced technologies. The Indians abandoned stone tools and began to build primitive furnaces to create metal products. In addition, other types of activities also developed rapidly.

It seems as if someone more advanced shared knowledge with the Indians. Expanded the number of skills. Changed the ideas about the world. Previously, it was believed that we are talking about another civilization. But the artifacts discovered by Jorge Morrientes indicate that the Indians really did have a connection with more advanced teachers, however, they were not people at all, if you carefully examine the archaeological finds.

On the stone slabs dug up in layers dated to 6.5-7 thousand years ago, there are creatures depicted that are very similar to humanoids. That is, these are creatures that have physiological similarities with humans, but are not them. It is important to note that the finds symbolically show that they arrived on our planet from space. This correlates perfectly with the Mayan legends about mentors who came down from the stars or from the heavens.

The items found by the group of archaeologists are recognized as authentic. Attempts by academic specialists to call "humanoids" people dressed in ritual costumes look ridiculous. In this case, the image should be perceived directly and without equivocation. Representatives of two cultures are visible - earthly (Indians) and alien.

The contact scene tells of mutual respect and exchange of gifts. That is, the contact not only took place, but it was positive and successful. What is the motive of highly developed aliens to visit Earth and help backward savages from the jungle? The Mayan codes, as well as legends, report that the mentors from the stars required a large amount of (further presumably) gold and mercury.

There is even a hypothesis that the Indians were given knowledge and skills to improve mining methods and, accordingly, increase the output material. Maybe so. But the fact that the Mayan ancestors interacted with a more developed civilization is reflected in many finds. Including those discovered by Jorge Morrientes' group. It was thanks to the intervention of more powerful forces that a qualitative leap in the development of Indian culture occurred.


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