Ancient Cave Paintings: A Window into a World of Extraterrestrial Encounters...! (Videos)
In the Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh, India, have found old cave paintings that may change how we think about how people in the past interacted with beings from other worlds. These paintings from 10,000 years ago were found in the Charama area of the Kanker district of Chhattisgarh. They show what look like aliens and UFOs.
These results are especially important because they match up with similar ones found around the world, which suggests that people around the world met aliens in the past.
Anthropologists working with mountain tribes in this remote area have found detailed drawings of humanoid figures wearing spacesuits and flying in disk-shaped ships that look a lot like modern UFOs. In these pictures, there are also what looks like a wormhole formation in the sky and big humanoid beings coming down from the sky while wearing caps or antennas. The use of natural colors, which have kept paintings incredibly clear for thousands of years, makes these artifacts seem more real and interesting.
A set of cave drawings that look like an old calendar is one of the most mysterious things ever found. These paintings seem to tell stories about visits from these aliens in the past and may even be able to predict visits in the future. The calendar shows dates that might be between 2030 and 2046, but the exact numbers are still not clear because it is hard to translate ancient symbols correctly.
People in the area have long believed in stories and beliefs about the "Rohela People," who they say are beings from space who come to earth and teach the locals new skills and knowledge before leaving. This story fits with the idea of ancient astronauts, which says that beings from other planets had an impact on the first societies.