Alіeпѕ and ancient Egypt! A global effort has begun — ѕeсгet files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public!... (Videos)

From stories of visitation buried within ancient texts to evidence that Egyptian structures did not begin on Earth, tonight, we reveal the incredible tale of strange beings behind one of the most advanced civilizations in human existence. Join us, as the alien history of the Egyptian gods is unsealed.

A global effort has begun. Ancient Egypt is almost like a well of our own human paths. The more we explore the mysteries of ancient Egypt, the monuments, the pyramids, the Sphinx, the more we realize that there’s more to learn about ancient Egypt and its potential relationship to other extraterrestrial races.

Dendera, Egypt. Among the many ruins here, the Great Temple of Hathor serves as the central temple of worship for the goddess Hathor, mother, wife, and daughter of Ra, the sun god. What’s fascinating about the temple of Hathor is that it has this beautiful celestial image on the ceiling. And it proves that the ancient Egyptians were fascinated with astronomy. But hieroglyphics in the temple of Hathor also reveal what could be a scientific understanding thousands of years ahead of its time. The most mysterious etchings appear to show a device that wouldn’t be invented by modern man for another three millennia.

“The Tulli Papyrus describes fiery disks that were flying through the sky. What do we call these now? We call these UFOs, and I almost looked like an alien fleet, that extraterrestrials were flying over the skies of ancient Egypt. Many believe these fiery disks could be the arrival of alien beings depicted in the temple of Hathor. If this is true, then we have an actual documented account of UFOs descending upon ancient Egypt. And on top of that, we could have evidence of technology thousands of years ahead of its time.

Is it possible that what we thought of as gods were in fact extraterrestrials that the ancient Egyptians were communicating with? And if so, then why were they here? And what did they want from us? Coming up next, the answer to these mysteries could reveal the greatest alien secrets in human history and uncover the tomb of an ancient ruler known to some as the alien king. “Unsealed: Alien Files” exposing the biggest secret on planet Earth.


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