The image captured aliens appearing in the middle of the jungle sent chills down the back of the online community (VIdeos)

While the two tourists were panning at the children, in the distance appeared a dim light and a creature believed to be alien lurking in the jungle.

Small alien-like creature standing next to a tree in the jungle (Image: BARCROFT USA)

Enlarged image of “uninvited guest”

and a silver glow next to it (Image: BARCROFT USA)

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Well-known paranormal writer and paranormal website operator, Michael Cohen, acquired the video. “This is a convincing image of the existence of extraterrestrials,” Michael said. It appeared in an area known for UFO activity. It’s clear that aliens are interested in this area due to its biodiversity.” After owning the film, Michael received countless cooperation offers from Hollywood filmmakers.

“The Brazilian government has launched an investigation called Operation Prato. The military is sent to the Amazon to monitor and confirm the presence of aliens in the area. However, the Brazilian government denied this campaign for many years, then acknowledged it and published a large amount of related document

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